Announcements for the week of February 9, 2025
Join Us This Sunday for Worship and Fellowship!
Date & Time: This Sunday at 9:00 AM
Service Leader: Rev. Mary Davis
Season: Season after the Epiphany
We warmly invite you to join us this Sunday for a meaningful service of Holy Eucharist Rite II, led by Rev. Mary Davis, as we continue our journey through the season after the Epiphany. Whether joining us in person or from afar, you’re a cherished part of our community!
- Loose Plate Offering: This Sunday will support parish programs and operations.
- Annual Meeting & Election of Officers: TODAY, immediately following the service.
- Forward Day by Day: The February–April editions are now available.
- TLC Meal: Our next meal will be on Thursday, March 6th.
- Spring Rummage Sale: Planning is underway! Start setting aside items to contribute (but please, no basement clean-outs from neighbors).
- Volunteer Opportunities:
- Sunday Bursar Duties: Help with simple calculations and filling out deposit slips and tally sheets.
- Service Roles: Interested in being an Acolyte, Altar Guild member, Chalice Bearer, Reader, Server, or Thurifer? Let Rev. Mary know!
- Building Security: For safety, the Ramp Door and Double Glass Landing Doors will be locked at the start of the service.
- Prayer Requests: The prayer request book is located near the greeter’s area outside Healy Hall.
- Coffee Hour & Conversation:
- Calling all bakers! Bring your favorite treats or breakfast items to share.
- Sign up on the board in Healy Hall. Whether solo or with a friend, your delicious contributions and smiles are welcome!
Prayers & More

The book is on the greeter’s table at church, and I want to request prayers. You can also submit a prayer request online. That webpage also shows the weekly Prayers of the People prayer list.
Our Online Church Calendar
Check out our calendar to see if the Hall is accessible or what is happening at church. This lists when other groups are using the church and when.
Could you help support us?
Please help us help others.
Could you help support us so we can help and serve others?
What is going on at St John’s
Stay updated with what we are doing
Visit our announcement page to mark your calendar to join us.
Do you want to pray with us?
Join us in prayer!
See who we’re praying for, or submit your prayer request.